CertFair assesses how your products and services are experienced against community expectations – is it considered fair or not. This is our point of difference. Assessment against compliance obligations drive a process focus. Our assessment of your inherent fairness ensures that the assessment is on your behaviours and conduct impacting your customers experience of you.

In a choice and control environment, those organisations that are perceived and experienced as being consistently more fair will be the organisations more frequently chosen by clients, customers, corporate partners and Government.

That is actually just your ticket to play.

All other providers have to comply with the same regulations rules and standards.

So in a busy crowded choice and control environment, how does your compliance create any sort of competitive advantage for you?

We think there is another important advantage of engaging CertFair.

It’s giving you a perspective or your organisation in the context of not just your industry, but the commercial world through its development as an assessment tool in the financial services and insurance sector and NDIS.

This bigger picture lets you know where you sit in terms of meeting community expectations of fairness in the broader spectrum of the Australian corporate ecosystem.

We know you are values and purpose led.  It’s why you came into existence in the first place.

What would it enable if you could measure the degree to which your purpose and values are actually making an impact?

CertFair enables you to honestly and objectively assess how you’re delivering on your purpose and values against community expectations of them.

Surveys are measuring outcomes.  We know that you understand what success looks like in your client and customer relationships.

Are you clear on how you are achieving these successes?

Are you confident you are seeing where you are missing expectations?

CertFair enables an objective roadmap of how to consciously achieve success every time; through having an objective viewpoint of how your service would be perceived against community standards; not just the experience of your clients.

This broader view is the power… you are not just recycling what you know.

You are learning what you may not and you are adapting and evolving to meet the changing and ever increasing expectations of the community when dealing with the vulnerable in our society.

Would this knowledge help you to more effectively deliver on your purpose and values in the delivery of your services to clients?

Would it enhance your reputation and your ability to attract new customers and clients along with the support of government and corporate partners.

Apart from all of the above, how would knowing and tracking, from an objective perspective, how your organisation would be perceived against community expectations, enable your planning, service design and strategy development?

ASIC and AFCA have publicly adopted language around ‘the fairness imperative’ and  ‘the fairness revolution’.

Following a CertFair audit and closure of identified gaps, CertFair will certify that your processes are aligned with the standard of ‘fairness’ as viewed and publicly stated by ASIC and AFCA.

You may the use this certification for a period of 12 months from the date of certification. At the conclusion of the 12 month period certification will automatically lapse. We will contact you to apply for re-certification prior to the lapse date.

As opposed to black-letter-of-the-law compliance processes, CertFair utilises existing organisational compliance systems to additionally assess “fairness” in an organisation’s products and services against community standards and expectations.

Whilst consumer laws are developed to protect the community, there is often a lag in the implementation of changes to these in keeping pace with continually evolving community standards and expectations. The impact of this delay can often be felt and expressed by consumers in terms of fairness.  CertFair recognises this and provides you with a point in time assessment against community standards and expectations enabling you to respond proactively, acting fairly.

CertFair therefore provides a fairness lens and overlay onto consumer law obligations within compliance frameworks and systems

The outcome is the clarity as to what actions can be undertaken to deliver your intentions, purpose and values into the actual experience of your customers and, by doing so, consistently enhance your reputational standing in the community.

In a busy, crowded choice and control environment, in a sector currently lacking trust, where opinion is driven by social media and the agendas of politicians and others, being known for being fair is a significant competitive advantage; both in the attraction and retention of customers and talent.

In a choice and control environment, those organisations that are perceived and experienced as being consistently more fair will be the organisations more frequently chosen by clients, customers, corporate partners and Government.

That is actually just your ticket to play. You are expected to obey the law.

CertFair assesses community standards and expectations.

Whilst the law represents the objective view of the community, there is often a lag in the implementation of changes to the law in keeping pace with continually evolving community standards and expectations. The impact of this delay can often be felt and expressed by consumers in terms of fairness. CertFair recognises this and provides you with a point in time assessment against community standards and expectations enabling you to respond proactively, acting fairly.

So in a busy crowded choice and control environment obeying the law becomes the norm, acting fairly provides you with a competitive advantage.

We know you are values and purpose led.  It’s why you came into existence in the first place.

What would it enable if you could measure the degree to which your purpose and values are actually making an impact?

CertFair enables you to honestly and objectively assess how you’re delivering on your purpose and values against community expectations of them.

Surveys are measuring outcomes.  We know that you understand what success looks like in your client and customer relationships.

Are you clear on how you are achieving these successes?

Are you confident you are seeing where you are missing expectations?

CertFair enables an objective roadmap of how to consciously achieve success every time; through having an objective viewpoint of how your service would be perceived against community standards; not just the experience of your clients.

This broader view is the power… you are not just recycling what you know.

You are learning, adapting and evolving to meet the changing and ever increasing expectations of the community when dealing with the vulnerable in our society.

Would this knowledge help you to more effectively deliver on your purpose and values in the delivery of your services to clients?

Would it enhance your reputation and your ability to attract new customers and clients along with the support of government and corporate partners.

Apart from all of the above, how would knowing and tracking, from an objective perspective, how your organisation would be perceived against community expectations, enable your planning, service design and strategy development?

We think there is another important advantage of engaging CertFair.

It’s giving you a perspective or your organisation in the context of not just your industry, but the commercial world through its development as an assessment tool in the financial services and insurance sector and NDIS.

This bigger picture lets you know where you sit in terms of meeting community expectations of fairness in the broader spectrum of the Australian corporate ecosystem.

Our Purpose is to help you build trust in your insurance and financial services company. 

Our Mission is to go beyond compliance to aid organisations to be “fair” in the eyes and experience of customers, regulators and the community.